Delicious & Nutritious
Delicioso y Nutritivo (Spanish)

Flavored Milk Hip Hop Anthem from the upcoming Nutrition Literacy Project Milk Tones (Dairy Food Group Literacy)
Seeking Sponsorship See Below

(Produced & Performed By Keith Holland & Steven J. Logwood)
featuring, JME the Flavored Milk Girl

Groovy Pyramid Nutrition Literacy Project ©2009 Positive Records (Draft Lyrics)


Ah yeah, Delicious and Nutritious, you do it JME

JME: Delicious, Dad: What, JME: Nutritious, Dad: You Go Girl

Rap Verse 1

Bet you want to know what we're happy about. - What it is that's making us scream and shout

JME here has taken a real big step, and in a way she just passed a major life test

You see, I've been teaching her about a balanced diet- 4 years old and she's willing to try it

And we had an issue with milk - But not anymore

Sing Verse 1

As a parent, it's up to you - Kids should do what you tell them to do -

And you control the food.  So, why not plan yummy meals - that will keep them healthy?

Rap Verse 2

With nutrition, I can't be quiet - That's why I'm pitching dairy for your diet

Because it's a food group that's nutrient dense - It helps your bones grow, does that make sense

So when you want a beverage to quench your thirst - Low-fat milk is good for protein, Vitamin D, calcium

and kids like the fresh flavor burst

Sing Verse 2

Going dairy is a choice you should make - Not once, not twice, but three times a day

Fruit and yogurt, or a slice of cheese, but don't forget to track the fatlike calories

Rap Verse 3

1%, 2%, and milk that's nonfat, and with flavor, now that's where it's at

Chocolate, black raspberry, blueberry, root beer, cappuccino or strawberry

Vanilla, banana or cherry, milk taste guaranteed to keep kids merry

Milk so flavoricious, it will have them singing delicious and nutritious


You should know flavored milk has a little more has more sugar

So factor that fact in maybe go for less candy, less cake and definitely less soda


Dad: Ah yeah, Delicious and Nutritious, What do you have to say JME

JME: Delicious, Dad: What, JME: Nutritious, Dad: You Go Girl

Delicious, Nutritious


Shout-out: Chocolate in milk, Strawberry in the milk, Vanilla in the milk

Go with the flavor


JME: Daddy will they have flavored milk, when I go to school?

Dad: Ummh, I think so, I'll have to get back to you on that one.

JME: Daddy, will Mom, buy me some flavored milk, I love chocolate and strawberry

Dad: Why not ask her?

JME: Mom, oh Mom!

Sponsorship Call

We are currently seeking academic, community and corporate sponsorship for the Milk Tones Project

(Dairy Food Group Literacy)

Program Also includes

Delicioso y Nutritivo (Spanish)

Finally (Dad Getting Little Daughter to Drink Milk) &

Three Times A Day (That's What I Need, And the One to the Two to the Three)

Tres Veces Al Dia (Spanish)

If you want to help us promote nutrition literacy for urban children and/or you want to help us educate children about the role of dairy in their diet, please contact:

Contact: Steven J. Logwood

(714) 738-3558


Looking to spice up your conference or event

Include the Groovy Pyramid

For More Information
