Let's Move

Written By
Keith Holland
& Steven J. Logwood

Nutrition Literacy Information Dissemination &
Physical Activity Promotion Project

©2010 Positive Records draft

Pitch Demo (for preview purpose only)

Other Songs on the Program
Small Steps
Supporting the Small Steps campaign
Fuel Up to Play 60
Promoting healthy eating and physical activity
Rethink Your Drink
Healthy/Un-healthy beverages in diet)
The Label Nutrition Facts Label)

Performed By
Keith Holland,
& Steven J. Logwood

and featuring

Not intended to imply endorsement by the Let's Move Program  


Produced Through Funds
provided by
SBIR Grant

Researching the effectiveness of
Music-Based Messaging and reporting
 on the feasibility of developing a
HIP-HOP MUSIC program that can increase
nutrition literacy, promote physical activity and
help prevent childhood obesity


Child Intro

Over the past three decades, childhood obesity rates in America have  tripled.   I’m a child and I’m asking the adults out there to help us.
Help children like me to avoid diabetes and other obesity related health problems.   We know the cure, so let’s move to cure it

Rap Verse 1

We can do this, together; we’ve have the
knowledge and power to certainly fix this
I believe we can flip the script,
but it won’t be easy and it won’t be quick
It could take more than a generation of
sustained nutrition education
And realistically to tackle obesity
requires more physical activity

Sing Verse 1
How did we get here was it super-size, burgers and fries

Or giant sodas with the value meals at dinnertime
Busy parents, cafeterias at schools
Hear the wakeup call - It’s our moment of truth

Let's Move – We know what we have to do
Eat Healthy, Get Active
The children are the future


Sing Verse 2
We can help them to make more healthy choices
And push for healthy schools

Improve access to affordable healthy foods
Let’s get to them to move and burn some energy
Children need to increase their physical activity

Rap Verse 2
Way Back in the day, young people were active,
they liked to go outside and play

Now they like to text on
cell phones,
chat through the internet, and all day video games
Add in the sodium, sugar and fat from
eating three to six unhealthy snacks
Fewer sit down home-cooked meals
It's know wonder we are where we're at


Rap Chorus Verse
No one is talking about a cookie cutter
one-size-fits-all solution
But we can tac
kle this problem collectively
if we focus on prevention
Lose the empty calories
Let's make our schools as healthy as they can be
Increase access to affordable healthy food
Increase physical activity

Breakdown Verse
Let’s Move" is a national campaign led by First Lady Michelle Obama that is focused on solving the problem of childhood obesity.  The program intends to ensure that children born today will reach adulthood at a healthy weight.  That's a big goal, but if we move we can accomplish it within a generation,  

We need to empower parents and children
to make healthy diet choices

We need our schools to provide healthy food

We need to eliminate Food Deserts
and improve access to healthy, affordable foods

And finally we need to
increase physical activity

Are you ready?  Let's Do this!


Rap Outro Chorus Verse
It’s all about balance
 More fruits and vegetables - Less candy and chips
More water, less
soda, more low fat milk, less soda
Smaller portions, less sugar, less salt
More movement, less sitting
We can do this - Let's Move

The Groovy Pyramid
Music-Based Health Literacy & Health Promotion Project

for more information contact:
Steven Logwood
(714) 738-3558
President, Positive Records