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At Least 5 I Can Eat A Rainbow So In Love

I Can Eat A Rainbow

This song was written to help promote eating a colorful variety of fruits and vegetables. The song introduces the term phytochemical, and lists the health benefits of eating fruits and vegetables. .

I Can Eat A Rainbow Live Performance Video


Song Intro

Blue, Purple, Green, White Yellow, Orange, and Red

My daddy says that eating fruits and vegetables is like eating a rainbow.  I can eat a Rainbow!


Fruits and Vegetables, that's what I need.  We all need the colors of a rainbow.  Vitamins, minerals and Phytochemicals 


The sun reflects through the color prism of your mind.  Shining light on the nature's beauty and it's so divine.  In our world especially in the USA, we celebrate, our melting pots of different shades


Even with your food, you need diversity, and variety and you need color 


Fruits and Vegetables, that's what I need.  We all need the colors of a rainbow.  Vitamins, minerals and Phytochemicals

 Verse 2

From time to time, do you ever stop to think, of the food you ate, and what type of foods you should eat?  You smell, you taste, you chew, and do you know why?  Or what happens to the food once it's inside?


The Super Nutrient Mix that you're seeking, we are teaching now.  And it's about colors


Chorus (repeat) 

Verse 3 Phytochemical Rap

Phytochemicals stuff you get from plants with the benefits of antioxidants.  Little body housekeepers kicking free radicals out before they can hurt you.  Oh those radicals, causing body aches, but phytochemicals won't let em circulate. That's color protection, colors colors, colors of the rainbow. 

Chorus (repeat) Outro Vamp (repeat) 

Blue purple, green, white, yellow, orange, red

For Flavanoids, for Carotenoids


Written & Produced By
Evan Scot Hornsby &
Steven J. Logwood

Dana Montero
JME Logwood
Steven Logwood

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